Saturday, October 24, 2009


I watched the opening ceremony of beijing olympic game once again this weekend. Here is some ideas of mine.

Firstly, I was very proud of my country when I watched the opening ceremony. It , indeed, showed the specialty of the culture which has long history and unique inventions from compass to firework. However, it expressed so many the historical factors that I doubt whether foreigners would understand.

Thus I would like to explain a little bit of the cultures in the opening ceremony and why I would like to call the ceremony as the Zhang(Zhang Yimo is a famous film director in China.) style ceremony.

Phenomenon #1:
Many people are doing a great show
If you have watched the ceremony, You may find out the great hit to your feeling will be the show is operated by a great bunch of organized and united people. This could be a reflect of an old saying:"This could be done better and easier by more people"(人多好办事) Chinese people think highly of the union of the whole group and we are great team players. From the beginning of the history, we knew a high efficient job needs allocation. It is a great style of how Chinese people work.

But it is also a way that Zhang likes to show the character of China. He also organized 2 very great show played by many people to advertise the 2 places that many people like to travel.

It seems that using many actors and actresses for the show has become a stereotype of Zhang Yimou. Like the first part of the ceremony, many men were hitting the drums and counting backwards. It was the most magnificent backwards counting I have ever seen!

Phenomenon #2:
Historical Factors

1 the Spirit of the Art
Before I explain the those historical factors ,I would like to say something about the art of Ancient China. Not like oil paintings or any other European art, Chinese art concentrate the spirit and emotions on the paintings, which means what were in the ancient paintings may not look like "real" but feel "real". The magnificent poetry of the ancient paintings would make people feel they were inside the art!
As we may know, the whole ceremony were begun with painting and ended with the poetry of the paintings.

2. The Ancient Literature
Because China has a long long history, literature of ancient China is like a universe!! The style, script,types of ancient literature are various from different periods of the history. Ancient literature, compared with Chinese modern literature, is short, brief in length but enormous in meanings, which makes it seem very abstruse for people to understand. However, nowadays, Chinese students still need to learn ancient writings because they are the classics of Chinese culture not only because of the spirit of the nation but also the fine tradition of the country. Among all the great ancient writings, the ideology of Kongzi(孔子),also called the RU philosophy (儒学),which advertises the manner,kindness,and beauty of humanity, is the most known and accepted around the world.
During the opening ceremony, there was a show that many men dressed in ancient costume,holding bamboo slips(Ancient Chinese used bamboo slips as books before paper was invented) and reading singing something. What they singing about was from the Ru philosophy.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Thesis statement:
The similarities and difference between college life in China and US can be concluded into academic part and extracurricular activities part.

Topic 1: academic similarities
The similarities lay in the academic environment are obvious.
1\ Both have different lecture sizes for different courses.
2\Both have homework
3\ Both have exams

Topic2: academic differences:
Despite the fact that we have many common points, the distinctness is even more noticeable.
1\In china, students have to keep writing or thinking to catch up with professors.
In US, the path is much slower, students have chances to rise questions or participate into the lecture.

2\Homework in China is less than in US. Homework in US will cover every aspect of the lecture but in China, students sometimes have to find questions by themselves if they want to practice all the knowledge learnt from the lecture.

3\ In China only professors have office hours and they are seldom used by students. In US both of TAs and professors have office hours and many students go to them.

Topic3 : extracurricular activities differences:
In additional, the leisure activities of students’ are distinct from each other.
Students in China prefer student services. They are busy with getting involved in different students associations.
Students in US focus more on participating in the actual society. They always try their best to find research opportunities or internships.

Thesis statement:
Good grades result from well-prepared learning process and good use of office hours
Topic 1: Well-prepared learning process will help student build solid fundamental at the very beginning.
Support idea 1: good preview can help student be familiar with the content included in the lecture and find out the difficult part so that they can pay more attention to it in the lecture.
Support idea 2: clear organized notes will allow students review the content with high efficiency
Support idea 3: good review will help students find out their weakness and questions they don’t understand in short time. They have a lot of time to solve it.

Topic 2: Good use of office hours will help students improve the knowledge system of the course. Also students can learn much experience from their TAs and professor.
Support idea 1: Tough questions may occur at any part of a course. Compare to spending a lot of time in solving them by themselves, go to the office hour is a very effective way to get the solution.
Support idea 2: Students can also learn useful experience from their TAs about how to succeed in the course.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


What’s your idea about the most important key word for 21st century? Global warming may be the first choice for most of people. Yes, we heard about this phrase day by day, from the serious text-books to the household electrical appliances advertisement. Our minds are filled with words like greenhouse gases and carbon footpath. But what is our attitude towards to the phenomenon which can totally change our life style or even the future of human beings? Unfortunately, we don’t care about it. In most people’s mind the global warming is nothing to do with their daily life. They pay for it, consume it, and forget about it. But I want to say, we can do much more just by saving a little electricity and gas.
We can easily save a lot of electricity and reduce the global warming effect by just adjusting the setting of the air-conditioner. The first reaction when I walked into the airport is, wow, it is so cold there. I am wondering that if it is necessary for people to create another winter indoor when we have already had one outdoor. In my opinion, the purpose of air conditioner is to create a comfortable environment for people but not a cold one. How to define the word comfortable? A study recommends room temperature should be at a maximum of 77.0°F (25.0°C) 1. But the fact is almost every air conditioner in the public are set at 65°F or even low temperature. In this kind of situation the air conditioner is creating a bad weather for us instead of a comfort one. The result of it is the energy consuming, which has directly related to the carbon dioxide releasing. As we know, we can save 4%-6% of energy by just make the temperature 1°C higher 2. It means, we can both save the energy and reduce the greenhouse gas and live in a better condition, why don’t do that?
Another way to save the earth is decrease the number of big cars like mini-van or SUV. A big difference between Europe and America is that people in Europe always drive small cars (2 seats, 1.0L engine) but people in America prefer the big cars. But in most cases there is only one passenger, the driver, in these cars whose capacity are 4 people or more. We need much more gas to start the car itself rather than carry people. I know that big cars are convenience when people need to make a move but considering the gas we lost in the daily life, it may be cheaper to contact a moving company. Most people need drive everyday but few people need make a move frequently.
All in all, we can do much than we thought. To save earth equals to save ourselves, why start now?

1/Dan Norbäck (1995) Subjective Indoor Air Quality in Schools - The Influence of High Room Temperature, Carpeting, Fleecy Wall Materials and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Indoor Air 5(4), 237-246.

2/《工程热力学》清华大学出版社 (It is my textbook in thermodynamics)